Type of Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

Top-up SIP
This SIP allows you to increase your investment amount periodically giving you the flexibility to invest higher when you have a higher income or available amount to be invested. This also helps in making the most out of the investments by investing in the best and high performing funds at regular intervals

Flexible SIP
As the name suggests this SIP plan carries flexibility of amount you want to invest. An investor can increase or decrease the amount to be invested as per his own cash flow needs or preferences.

Perpetual SIP
This SIP Plan allows you to carry on the investments without an end to the mandate date. Generally, an SIP carries an end date after 1 Year, 3Years or 5 years of investment. The investor can hence, withdraw the amount invested whenever he wishes or as per his financial goals.
Benefits of investing in SIP
The cost of higher education in India has been growing in double digits (in percentage terms) over the last 20 years. The cost of 4 year engineering education (B.Tech/B.E) in the top Government institutes is around Rs 9 – 10 lakhs. In some of the top private institutes, cost of engineering education can be as high as Rs 15 – 20 lakhs. The cost of medical education is similar, if not a little higher. In the next 10 years, applying an inflation rate of 10%, the cost of engineering or medical education may be in Rs 25 – 45 lakhs. MBA from one of the top institutes will cost you around Rs 20 lakhs. 10 years from now, you should be prepared to fork out Rs 50 lakhs for your child’s MBA.
Makes you a disciplined investor:
The rupee cost averaging factor:
SIP Calculator
Simply use Call For All SIP Calculator , enter the SIP amount, the time period for which you want to invest in the mutual fund and the approximate return expected. You will get the total investment amount upon completion of the time period. According to how much you want your final amount to be, you can select the appropriate amount to start a SIP with.

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